A Quick A-to-z On Level-headed Products For Astrology
ดูดวงวันเดือนปีเกิด Helpful Ideas On No-nonsense Programs The former represents one's sense of identity and the latter represents one's emotions, so they both have leading roles to play in how your relate to each of your parents. Your astrologer can certainly find meaning by analyzing how your sun and moon signs mesh with those of your parent — maybe your Cancer moon makes you particularly sensitive to your mother's blunt honesty, courtesy of her Leo sun. But, Tripp adds, they'll probably go a bit deeper and look for any interesting aspects, or angles , between your planetary placements and your parent's. For instance, "it's common and important to see harmonious Saturn links from a parent’s chart to a child’s chart," Tripp explains. She adds that "Saturn is the planet of commitment, discipline, and permanence." In other words, its position can reflect the dynamic between you and your parent pretty clearly. A "harmonious" aspect...